
Our goal is to

  • create strong and lasting client partnerships.
  • so that together we shape a positive, inclusive business environment for all employees and stakeholders.
  • generating measurable beneficial results for business and wider society.

See how we deliver our mission with our client case studies.


Embankment works across three core platforms, through a unique consulting model based on latest research,

This approach help clients to integrate inclusive leadership perspectives into their strategic decision-making. Well-equipped Board leaders can then drive a diverse competitive edge, within an inclusive strategic ethos, supported by exclusive tools that visibly show how impact from diversity investment is tied to tangible business and societal results.

Our Quality Assurance policy document is available here (pdf) view/download


The global context for Embankment's ethos is sustainability.  It is well-recognised and documented internationally that consideration of workplace diversity and inclusion is intrinsically interlinked with wider global issues of mobility, social cohesion, human rights and sustainability. 

Embankment's ethos has always been about building capacity for our clients to progress at their own pace, unaided. We achieve this through the co-design and co-delivery of a sustainable diversity and inclusion strategy that yields results for our clients consistently over time, and is globally replicable.

Working in partnership with clients and associates to deliver tailored solutions to help foster diverse workplaces nationally and internationally allows this ethos to permeate throughout our client relationships.